Custom Web Design: Christ Church Plano

Custom site made with Photoshop Illustrator Brilliant Developers


Explore how the Christ Church Plano custom web design project’s innovative solutions and thoughtful design choices brought their vision to life.

Creating a seamless digital experience for Christ Church Plano was both challenging and rewarding. Our goal was to develop an integrated Progressive Web App (PWA) that engages users with media, events, and volunteering, while ensuring smooth integration with their Church Management System (ChMS). Additionally, we aimed to establish a clean visual identity reflecting the church’s worship values. 

Goal 1

Develop an integrated Progressive Web App experience that keeps users engaged in media, events and volunteering.


For the app to be most useful, it needed to be integrated with their Church Management System. Double entry of content in the CMS was not an option.


This project was more complex than anything I have ever been a part of, and also my first PWA. Partnering with Christ Church and working alongside an incredible team that possessed the technical expertise needed was a major accomplishment for me. Together, we created an app that pulled content from their ChMS, enabling users to log in and make updates to their accounts.

Goal 2

Develop a clean, compelling visual identity that distinguishes our worship values.  


Christ Church had some precedence for styling, but no guide. A new custom web design was a unique opportunity to further develop a visual identity that reflected both the church’s relevance and tradition.


The site was a good time to make a jump and push the design. I brought in curves and delicate lines to invoke the feeling of being set in their beautiful cathedral. We also designed the site with a featured color that is set throughout the year based on the liturgical calendar.

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